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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What is the purpose of a Vacation?

It's an interesting question. Some people would say its a chance to get out and see something new. My answer is to provide a small break from the routine schedule and allow for you to really appreciate your normal way of life. I've found this is best accomplished by doing something that challenges the body while allowing your mind to sit idle.

Take camping for example. You take people that normally live in a house with comforts such as soft beds, central air conditining, cable TV, dishwasher, microwave, etc. and put them out into the woods with not much more than a can of bug spray and a sleeping bag. 2 or 3 days of living like that makes you really enjoy your normal way of life.

Well, this Labor Day weekend I decided to try and refresh myself by working on my father's birthday gift (Dad, if you are reading this, stop!). My Father has a 20-yr old boat named "Patience" which he leaves in a slip behind my house. He lives about 2 hours away and doesn't get down here nearly as often as he should. The wood railing along the rear cockpit of his boat (about 20 linear ft worth) was showing signs of neglect so I decided that instead of trying to buy him something, i'd clean up the rear of his boat. I really think he'll enjoy my efforts better than anything I could just go buy.

Anyhow, i'm not typically known for being a handy-man. I'm somewhat a blend of Weekend Warrior / Couch Potato / Techology Geek / Caffiene Addict kinda guy. Having never done wood restoration before, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect.

The good news: I'm about 85% done and it already looks great. I have a final coat of stain + 2 coats of clear gloss to go. I'll be able to wrap it up before the weekend (one coat per day) and then the gloss should be able to fully dry out by his birthday (it takes a couple weeks to fully set up).

The even better news: I'm physically exausted (about 12 hours of sanding&filling and 2 hours of staining sofar) but completely mentally refreshed. I'm looking forward to going back to work tomorrow and I can't wait to see my Dad's reaction to the woodwork!

What a perfect Vacation!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would have taken the camping over work! LOL

I camped up in the redwoods on labor day.

Mike N.

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